Thursday, November 18, 2010


Salam alaykum..

Cuti sekolah dah hampir habis,tggl sehari lagi..assignment and tbl belom siap lagi. Promise,kena siapkan esok. After this,kna study!!!

i love medical book(wonder am i hypocrite?)
oh Bailey and Love,dah lama x melihat kamu,rindula..(is it true??)
how about Maher El Zeiny??(i'm trying to miss you)
hhmm,Browse's(dah lma jd penghuni rak buku baru)
ha,from zero to hero(thanks oggy bwkan,klo x mmg x igt ltk kat mne)
oh,i forgot,my oxford clinical surgery( ble last baca??)

Ini baru sikit,byk lagi..gain knowledge through's helpful,honestly..

Forget about this, 3rd EidAdha..buat makan2..rasa seronok and enjoy dapat masak untuk sahabat2 di perantauan.. wonder, kalau d m'sia mesti mak yang masakkan..jadi tukang kacau, x pon berperang mulut dgn adik, miss this moment.. really miss them.teringat saat2 raya eidFitri thn ni,memang meriah bila semua berkumpul..InsyaALLAH thn depan balik lagi..can't wait to meet them.. lots of fun and tears..missing my cute handsome boys.. danial, dayyan, rayyan, afiq..all boys..bila la mak ndak nak dukung anak sedara p'puan ni??hoping that u guys menjadi org yg soleh bila dewasa kelak..